
2006年3月15日 星期三

寫 原點心事的first english poem

我一直很想再改它 。


things I never say:
restart and overcome

With my parents expect one hand
cherish the other hand
I born to the world
No need any word
describe love flourish

But, original autism is there
changing it is to be accomplish
time after time

Counting different reasons made qurreal
Happened home many times
angry voice from Dad
became scery memory fragment
in my heart

I,not knowing
who to confort
these fearness,helplessness
and discard them

I build for myself
named murmur
when I am using it
run-on words self saying
sounds wall-like appearaence
blocked exchaning matters from people

On the other side
these words, untold roles
and story I chose and passed
is the main substance
of my fantasy kingdom
I just don't want people to get in

Since that
I overlook people a lot
and they did it return

The double ignorance setback
like disguised trauma
It hurts nothing
yet makes a distence among us
sad to say
I hold it as damn thing

Still,not sure
the want of people was awaken
or I realized my loneliness
than I ask for curing
some good caring
ease my pain faith regain

my dark memory
like bully shadows in school
unutter my father's dominate
suffered me
and transformed into hazy emotional cyclone
take place endless times
in my mind

I float and sink
in between
heaven and hell
fantasy and reality

all negative part of them
tasts bitter all the time
so I yelled it used to be
one of weapon
both some people
and me
beat each other
finally we all waiting for graduatation
out of sight
out of atteck

In short,
some scars disappeared
when I forgive and leave them away
some was harmful remained
(parhaps I chose held it)

with talking to you or self
making my memior clear
let past shadow destory
and skills shift from
monologue to conversation

all due to reflections form
boys and girls
whose hold pure heart
also incluing dear relatives
twin sister
and back to my parent
forward,in front of
my constant counseler
and elder teachers
everybody shows me
more than I thought

Illusion knowledge shranks two side
many method had done
more over than you hope

For all dearest people
I've ever met
there is not even
things I never say
(when you are
willing to listen)

because of yours advice
saved a wretch
like me
